Katron Manal Road, Village, Ramnagar Chhanna, Sherpur-148025, Punjab

Phone:  01675-233342

Our Vision

"We are dedicated to shape children into Global Child of tomorrow equipped with state-of-the-art knowledge, moral attributes, spiritual insight, dedication and love for the human kind through application of latest educational tools and personality development programmers in frequent collaboration with like-minded institutions. With international teaching standards, a team motivated to perform, and continuous striving towards excellence, we wish to provide an environment that leads to wholesome unfolding of a student's potentials."

The Staff and Governors of The Lords School have the privilege and challenge of working with children during a vital phase of their education. During this time, our vision is to provide the things we regard as their entitlements, namely the opportunity to:

  • Be valued as individuals.

  • Have equal opportunities regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion or physical ability.

  • Have equal access to a well planned curriculum that reflects the world in which we live.

  • Attain their full potential in all curriculum areas.

  • Enjoy real achievement according to their needs and abilities through differentiated work.

  • Become increasingly independent and responsible.

  • Develop a caring attitude towards others showing tolerance and respect.

  • Develop a code for living that encompasses the values of right and wrong.

  • Work in an environment that is safe, secure, friendly and well resourced.

  • Work in a well ordered, stimulating environment where staff and pupils can give their best.

  • Extend their experience in opportunities within the wider community.

  • Become life long learners.

  • Take time for fun.

This vision influences all aspects of life at "The Lords School"

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