Medical Camp
Medical Check-up
All children of the school are subjected to regular medical check up to ensure optimum growth at all stages of childhood. All students will be under the supervision of an expert. A medical professional will monitor the students, advise and regulate the life style such as exercise, diet, medicines and vitamins intake. We conduct regular camps/seminars for parents to make sure that every thing goes smooth in the family environment too. All parents are encouraged to avail this great opportunity.
Health & Safety
The Governors (SMC) are responsible for Health and Safety at the school. Regular inspections of the school are carried out and a record of these inspections is kept on file and also organized medical camps. Emergency drills involving all pupils and staff are held at least termly and all fire-fighting equipment is regularly inspected.
Children are trained in hygienic habits and safety consciousness around the school. Parents are reminded to provide protection for their children from strong sunlight, and school events are arranged so that children do not have to sit for long in the sunshine.