Katron Manal Road, Village, Ramnagar Chhanna, Sherpur-148025, Punjab

Phone:  01675-233342


Can your child roller skate? If your answer is in the negative, your child is missing out on one of the most interesting activities he can indulge in for hours on end. Here are just some of the reasons you should invest in a pair of skates for your child. Skating is easy to learn, all it takes is practice. Most children pick up skating within a day. Elbow and knee pads protect your child against bruises and scratches. Your child does not need company for roller skating. All he needs are a pair of skates, and the right mood. He can strike out whenever he fancies, and skate around the block or around the building compound on his own. If your child is skating in a public place it is best that he is accompanied, for safety purposes. Teaching your child roller skating inculcates a sense of balance in your child, which will hold him in stead later on. He will be able to pick up other skills that require balance like cycling, skateboarding or rollerblading, faster. This ability increases his confidence, and also opens opportunities for various other sports and activities, making him more sports-minded and athletic. From 2016-2017 session, Skating will be an integral part of the school activities.

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