Katron Manal Road, Village, Ramnagar Chhanna, Sherpur-148025, Punjab

Phone:  01675-233342

Extra Features


The word ABACUS originates from the Greek word Abak meaning a counting device. It has been in use since 14th Century. It is a tool for performing calculations by sliding beads on vertical rods set in a rectangle frame. It is a tool that works wonders in a child’s mind and helps unravel the mystery and potential of human brain. Students from Std-I to Std-V have this methodology integrated in their curriculum.

EDU Comp:-

Edu comp smart class is a digital initiative pioneered and invented to make classroom teaching more interactive and provide a visual input on how it happens and the concepts are well understood and internalized.. smart class is transforming the way teachers teach and students learn in schools. It’s a new age technology movement that is fast becoming an imperative in our school. Be it Science or History-all subject matters are visually explained with this aid.

Motivational workshops:-

Although each Member from the Staff of Lordian is truly motivated to guide and direct the students, we have pannel of the eminent personalities who have motivated and guided our students across all levels. Motivated students strive for academic excellence and reach high personal goals. Such motivational workshops can help students to Set goals , Plan an achievement, Focus on skills and strategies and develop a confidence to face the big world and become the global child.

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