Katron Manal Road, Village, Ramnagar Chhanna, Sherpur-148025, Punjab

Phone:  01675-233342

Class Rooms

1. The classrooms in the school are well ventilated and have abundance of natural light flowing in.

2. Furniture is designed keeping in mind the age factor across all the classes.

3. The tables and benches are carefully made to ensure that the edges are round and smooth so that it should not hurt the children.

4. The furniture is comfortable enough to keep the child’s posture straight and upright.

5. Requisite facilities i.e. rack, personal shelves, notice boards are provided in each classroom.

6. To make the session of learning more interesting there are “interactive boards” with “e-content” provided for all the class rooms.

7. The visual impact of this mode of learning remains etched in the young minds for a long time.

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