Katron Manal Road, Village, Ramnagar Chhanna, Sherpur-148025, Punjab

Phone:  01675-233342

Activity And Events

Events and Celebrations:-

The Lords School organise various events and celebrations throughout the year. The chief of them is the Annual Function. Here are some major events and celebrations that our schools organize.Sports Day is one of the most important days in the school calendar along with the day of the Annual Function. Our school celebrate many local and national festivals.. We encourage students to celebrate Grandparents’ Day so that students and the school can pay respect to the senior citizens in the community. Special Days celebrates our firm commitment for in touch the tradition and culture of the nations. Our schools also have preferential access to external Contest, a nation-wide talent hunt for the best science talent in Grades 4-8.


The Lords School encourages students to participate in a wide-range of clubs in schools including clubs like Literary Club, Science, Technology, Language and Mathematics Club, Health and Wellness Club etc.

Each Club is a community where students engage in continuous learning and TLS supports them in finding their unique potential. Each club has activity groups, which are populated by interested members so that specific interest areas under a club can be addressed according to the number of interested students.

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